Nessuna "testa di c..." nella mia squadra!

Sezione dedicata a discussioni sulle problematiche legate all'allenamento ed alla didattica del rugby.

Moderatore: Emy77

Messaggi: 33270
Iscritto il: 2 lug 2018, 21:31

Nessuna "testa di c..." nella mia squadra!

Messaggio da Garry » 20 nov 2022, 19:42

Una riflessione per chi svolge il ruolo di allenatore soprattutto a livello giovanile.
Le soluzioni più semplici, le più rapide, le più scontate sono SEMPRE sbagliate, quando si tratta di individui, di persone.

I feel like the ‘no dickheads’ terminology taken from Legacy has become the new conversation starter in rugby! Everywhere I go someone is saying ….’yeah no dickheads allowed in our squad!’

Really……that’s interesting…..define dickhead?!

I can’t help but feel the concept has been completely missed in the need for some coaches to attempt to show they know something about culture building.

No dickheads is described as;

“No one is bigger than the team, and individual brilliance does not automatically lead to outstanding results. One selfish mindset will infect a collective culture.” (Kerr)

Now before it gets lost in the post….I’m totally on board with Kerr, the problem I feel has arisen, is some coaches thinking they know how to spot a dickhead!

How do you define who or what a dickhead is? By their behaviours? By their actions? By your opinion? Others opinions? What if you’re actually a dickhead! What if that player you think is a dickhead actually triggers things in you, and it’s your shit you’re trying to put onto them? What if that ‘dickhead’ is the most professional or high performing athlete you have in your squad and that’s why they don’t ‘fit in’? Does that make them selfish?

When building your teams environment and culture you have to understand people. You have to take the time to understand behaviours..…ultimately you have to build relationships to be able to understand people.

If you make an assumption that a person is a dickhead off the back of a few behaviours with no understanding of why their actions where that way then it’s likely actually that you’re the dickhead!

Coaching young men, I have met plenty of lads that first impressions (and second, and third 😂) could be described as ‘dickheadish’. The truth is though if I hadn’t taken the time to get to know these guys and learn about them, or their lives, then I would never have understood their behaviours, their triggers, their wants and needs.

The point is we as coaches aren’t here to label players, we’re here to help them fill their potential as people and rugby players. Some will let you in, and others won’t. Be careful who you label a dickhead and your reason why…..they might be exactly the person you need to bring the best out in your squad, or more importantly you might be the person they need to bring out the best in them!

"La vita è quello che non esisterà mai sotto il fascismo: libertà, creazione, sincerità, verità, bellezza e volto umano"
R.I.P. Pavel Kushnir - pianista russo morto in carcere, vittima del fascismo russo
